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Arturo is currently studying Graphic Design at California State University of Long Beach. Fortunate enough to be taught by some of the top designers in the industry who work for the companies such as Oakley, Honda, and Suburu. 


Along with working in the Graphic Design field, Arturo works at various high schools and independent ensembles in the Southern California area where he incorporates his talents of graphic design, musical composition, and instruction to lead percussion ensembles to a podium finish. Schools include Garden Grove High School, Wilson High School, Downey High School, along with Odyssey indoor percussion ensemble and Darksky percussion. Arturo was also a member of the Orange County percussion ensemble where he marched cymbals for four years. For three of those four years, Arturo marched under the name Orange County Independent, earning multiple medals and a World Class finalist placement in Winter Guard International (WGI). The fourth year, Arturo aged out of the ensemble under the name Broken City Percussion where he worked his way to a bronze medal in the Southern California Percussion Alliance finals and a bronze medal at the WGI World Championships.

Arturo has worked on many projects ranging from logo designs, to hotel work. His most recent work was logo design for MettleGuns, llc.


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